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Plantation Personal Injury Lawyer

Hospital Personal Injury

Experienced Plantation Personal Injury Lawyer

Protecting the Rights of Injured Floridians

Serious injuries cause pain and suffering and often add physical and emotional burdens to your life. The financial costs of serious injuries can make an already difficult and stressful situation even worse. If your injuries were caused by another person’s negligence, turn to Plantation personal injury lawyer, Carlos M. Amor for help. Attorney Amor will work hard in pursuing the compensation you need and deserve for your injuries.

Car accidents, truck crashes, and other dangerous incidents can cause debilitating and catastrophic injuries that can change a person’s life forever. Personal injury lawyer Carlos M. Amor will stand up for your rights when you have been hurt so you can focus on healing. He will negotiate assertively with insurers on your behalf to reach a fair settlement. If your personal injury case requires going to trial, he will fight for your interests in the courtroom.

Turn to Our Personal Injury Lawyer for Help

Get effective legal assistance from an experienced Plantation personal injury lawyer. Call today at 954-453-7200 to arrange a free consultation. Attorney Amor offers free consultations, by phone, via video meeting, or in person.

Do not wait to get help when you have been injured and your medical bills are piling up. The sooner you reach out, the sooner you could receive compensation for your injuries.

Why Choose Carlos M. Amor?

Nobody leaves their home expecting to be injured in a motor vehicle accident or any other incident. When it happens, it is not only distressing to the victim but also to their family members. Attorney Carlos M. Amor understands the confusion and fear that people face when they or a loved one are suddenly and seriously injured. He will work with you compassionately while at the same time vigorously pursuing legal justice for you.

Here are additional reasons to choose personal injury lawyer Carlos M. Amor:

  • As a Florida native who has been in legal practice in the state since 2007, he has in-depth insight into the state’s insurance system and personal injury laws and courts.
  • He has been recognized by his legal peers as attaining the highest level of professional excellence.
  • We provide free consultations in personal injury cases to help clients understand their legal options.

Whether you were hurt in a car, truck, or motorcycle crash, in a pedestrian accident, or in another incident caused by the negligence of another party, we will provide knowledgeable legal guidance.

Cases Handled by Our Plantation Personal Injury Attorney

The main types of cases we handle include:

Motor vehicle accidents are the most common reason in the United States for personal injury claims. There are a lot of complicated rules for determining how blame is divided in these accidents. Some insurance companies may try to find a way to not give you what you deserve for your injuries or even try to claim that you were at fault or partly at fault for causing the accident. If the insurer is successful, you could end up with no money to pay your bills and even potentially be held liable if other parties were injured.

It is important to get a Plantation personal injury attorney on your side as soon as possible who will work to prove fault and get you the compensation you need. Call 954-453-7200 today to schedule a free consultation.

Common Injuries in Motor Vehicle Accidents

Injuries in motor vehicle accidents are often severe and even catastrophic. Common types of injuries include:

  • Traumatic brain injuries
  • Concussions
  • Neck and back injuries
  • Whiplash
  • Internal bleeding
  • Organ damage
  • Bruising and soft tissue damage
  • Bone fractures.

Medical costs for injuries from motor vehicle accidents can be sky-high. Injuries in accidents can result in paralysis, burns, scarring, lost limbs, and other severe issues. When injuries are permanent, medical treatment and day-to-day care may be necessary for the rest of a person’s life. In addition to the physical costs, mental and emotional trauma can change a person forever.

If you have suffered serious injuries due to negligent driving or other careless actions of another party, Carlos M. Amor can advise you about your options for filing a personal injury claim.

How We Can Help You in Your Personal Injury Claim

Personal injury claims can often be resolved outside of trial through negotiations with at-fault parties and their insurers. When negotiations are unsuccessful, lawsuits may go to court to be resolved by a judge or jury. We can help you throughout the steps of your personal injury claim by:

  • Collecting the evidence necessary to prove fault. Evidence may include medical reports, invoices for medical treatment, photos or video of your injuries following the accident, eyewitness statements, photographs of accident scenes and vehicle damage, police reports, and pay stubs highlighting lost wages.
  • Reviewing your current medical bills and expected future medical costs and other damages you suffered and advising you of a possible value range for your claim.
  • Completing and filing paperwork with insurance companies and handling communications and negotiations to get you a fair settlement offer.
  • If a fair settlement offer is not forthcoming and you decide to go to trial, we will counsel you about what to expect throughout the proceedings and represent you in court.

These steps are some of the most important in obtaining compensation for a personal injury claim. There are numerous other steps and intricacies involved in the process. Our personal injury attorney will make sure that nothing is overlooked as we work to get you a fair settlement or award. You can trust attorney Carlos M. Amor to work hard to try and get you maximum compensation so you can move forward with your life.

Call us today at (954) 453-7200 to arrange a consultation with Plantation personal injury attorney Carlos M. Amor. He offers free consultations, by phone, via video meeting, or in person.

Compensation in Personal Injury Cases

How much compensation you could get in your motor vehicle accident claim or other personal injury case is based on damages. Damages are the losses you experienced because of the accident. They may include payment for:

  • Current and future medical expenses
  • Lost wages and loss of earning capacity in the future
  • Pain and suffering for physical pain and emotional suffering
  • Punitive damages are meant to punish liable parties for gross negligence.

We can advise you about possible compensation and damages in your unique case.

Personal Injury FAQs

Our Plantation Personal Injury Attorney Answers Common Questions

Here are answers to frequent questions our firm receives about personal injury claims. For answers tailored to your accident and injury situation, arrange a consultation to speak directly with our Plantation personal injury attorney.

What Types of Accidents Can Lead to Personal Injury Claims?

Car accidents, truck accidents, motorcycle accidents, pedestrian accidents, and other accidents can lead to a personal injury claim if your injuries are significant and permanent as described under Florida law.

Florida is a no-fault insurance state, which means your personal injury protection, or PIP, insurance pays for your medical expenses. To get payment for pain and suffering and other non-economic losses, you must have significant and permanent injuries. Our Plantation personal injury attorney can counsel you about your options for a legal claim based on your injuries.

Who Can Be Held Liable in a Personal Injury Lawsuit?

People or entities whose negligence leads to an accident can be held liable in a personal injury lawsuit. Other drivers who caused the motor vehicle accident can be held liable in a personal injury claim.

Sometimes trucking companies and other employers of individuals who are driving for work and cause crashes may be named in personal injury claims. Manufacturers of motor vehicle parts may be held liable if a part malfunctions and causes a crash or if safety protections such as airbags, for example, fail in accidents. Agencies and construction companies charged with designing and maintaining roads may be responsible for accidents that injure motor vehicle occupants and pedestrians.

How Long Do I Have to File a Personal Injury Lawsuit?

You generally have four years to file a personal injury lawsuit, as described in the Florida Statute of Limitations. If someone died because of an accident, the deadline for filing a wrongful death lawsuit is two years from the date of death.

If you are considering a personal injury or wrongful death lawsuit, you should pay attention to these deadlines, or you could lose your right to bring a suit. However, there are exceptions to filing deadlines in some situations, so always speak with a personal injury lawyer to understand the specific deadline for your case.

What is a Wrongful Death Lawsuit?

A wrongful death lawsuit is like a personal injury suit except rather than suing for injuries, a claim is brought to get compensation for the death. In Florida, the personal representative of the deceased person can file a wrongful death lawsuit on behalf of the estate and survivors.

Wrongful death lawsuits may be filed for negligent accidents, such as motor vehicle crashes.. Potential damages include funeral costs, medical expenses, lost earnings, loss of companionship and support, and more.

Do I Have to Hire an Attorney to File a Personal Injury Claim?

You do not have to hire an attorney to file a personal injury claim, but the chance of getting the compensation you need may be greatly increased if you do. An experienced personal injury attorney understands how Florida insurance companies operate and knows how to negotiate with them on their level. Most individuals who suffer accidental injuries do not have this experience. And if your case goes to trial, a Plantation personal injury lawyer with experience litigating in the Florida courts can effectively represent you throughout that complex process.

How Long Does a Personal Injury Claim Take?

It could take just a few months or a year or longer depending on the facts of the case. Cases with multiple parties involved, catastrophic injuries, or unclear evidence as to fault will typically take more time to be resolved than less complex cases with strong evidence of liability. Claims that can be negotiated outside of court also generally take less time to conclude than those that go to trial.

When personal injury attorney Carlos M. Amor handles your claim, he will work to resolve it in as efficient and effective a way as possible based on the circumstances.

What to Do After an Injury Accident

After suffering an injury in an accident caused by another party, it is important to seek medical attention right away. Some cases, like fender-bender car crashes, can seem like they are minor, but you may feel your injury in the next few days. Getting medical care sooner rather than later can create a stronger link between the injury and the accident and potentially result in better compensation.

In addition to getting medical care, you should contact a Plantation personal injury attorney as soon as possible. Your attorney can gain access to police reports and talk to medical staff and witnesses to gather information related to all the details of your case.

Get Help from a Skilled Personal Injury Attorney Today

Carlos M. Amor Will Work Hard for You

Injuries caused by sudden and frightening accidents can be very costly financially and drastically change your life physically and mentally. Having a skilled and diligent Florida attorney by your side to fight for the compensation you deserve will reduce your stress and allow you the opportunity to focus on healing.

To learn more or to schedule a consultation, contact our law firm or call us at (954) 453-7200. Attorney Amor offers free consultations, by phone, via video meeting, or in person. Reach out today to get help from a knowledgeable Plantation personal injury lawyer, and to get the representation you need at this challenging time.

Contact Us For A FREE Consultation


Carlos M. Amor is a skilled personal injury attorney who works hard to get the best possible outcomes for his clients. He handles the full range of personal injury cases in his South Florida legal practice, assertively standing up for the rights of individuals seriously injured in car accidents, truck crashes, motorcycle accidents and other dangerous mishaps caused by the negligence of other parties. Carlos thinks “outside the box” and takes a practical approach to cases. He is both a strategic negotiator and a talented litigator who can beneficially resolve injury claims across the bargaining table or in front of a judge and jury, whatever the case requires. [ Attorney Bio ]